Cheryl Upchurch
Founder & CEO
Psychiatric Mental Health Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Graduate APRN Clinical Educator
Licensed Practice Healthcare Professional

I am a Full Practice Board Certified PSYCHIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH NURSE PRACTITIONER with prescriptive authority.
I am like a psychiatrist.
When I was born, my mom worked as a medical biller and coder with Dr. Gregory Teas and Dr. Anthony D'Agostino, both brilliant and compassionate psychiatrists. As a little girl, going to see my mom with my Grandma Helen at her work and seeing the doctors was the most exciting part of my week! I remember wanting to be like them at a very young age and marveled at just how unique & powerful the brain really is (BRAIN ENVY).
"I am not ashamed of my past and I am proud for the woman I am working at becoming."​
18 years of long-term and uninterrupted sobriety, I am free and have recovered from a hopeless state of mind and body. I am now in a place of position of neutrality-safe and protected, which is a result of thoroughly following a path. I am beyond grateful to still be alive today to offer other's a safe space to heal and feel loved, accepted and useful. I personally have chosen abstinence as my way out of a life of addiction, family traumas, a broken criminal justice system, homelessness and devastating despair and debilitating depression and anxiety.
In addiction medicine, I practice a harm reduction approach.​
If you are struggling with an addiction, I am here for you, I know you and I care about you and your brokenness is welcome.
Let US not only work on getting you sober, but more importantly help you heal some of your trauma and pain inside and support you through that process.
With the right medications AND consistent follow's up on your NEEDS outlined in your individual plan of care (IPOC). ​
Everyone deserves the best and highest of quality healthcare and support from the very first appointment and on.
I have decided to DEDICATE my life to advance the psychiatric profession and lead the way for the future workforce of the mental healthcare system. I strive to create strong and innovative initiatives by creating and implementing different process flows and access to care treatment options that help guide the way into a New Era of mental wellness and healing.
Passionate, relaxed, driven, innovative, assiduous, compassionate, understanding, respectful, hopeful, and encouraging mental health advocate and leader, intentional, thoughtful, openminded.
I offer hope in client’s and family's lives, when all hope for them seems to be lost.
Holistic provider mind, body, and soul &GENETICS!
By utilizing a variety of evidenced based intake screening assessments, genetic testing via a mouth swab done in the office and a one-on-one 60-minute consultation- I am then best able to treat each client with most evidence based and salient psychotropic medication's options for you or your loved one brain chemical regulation. By implementing logotherapy, mindfulness exercises and self-care techniques, we can better focus on your wellness and life balance.
Thank you for choosing me and trusting me as your mental wellness provider or as your PMHNP student educator & advocate.
I am honored to have you.

-“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances,
but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”
-Victor Frankl